Debate / Encuentro
Mathematics and Computation in Music Conference
(MCM 2011) & Related Events
16 jun 2011

El evento ha terminado
La troisième conférence internationale « Mathematics and Computation in Music » (MCM 2011) constitue une plateforme multidisciplinaire dédiée à la communication et aux échanges d'idées entre les acteurs impliqués dans l'application des mathématiques aux arts, à l'informatique musicale, la théorie de la musique, la composition, la musicologie.
La troisième conférence internationale « Mathematics and Computation in Music » (MCM 2011) constitue une plateforme multidisciplinaire dédiée à la communication et aux échanges d'idées entre les acteurs impliqués dans l'application des mathématiques aux arts, à l'informatique musicale, la théorie de la musique, la composition, la musicologie.
Thursday June 16
8.30am-9.30am : (Centre Pompidou) - Welcome and Registration of the Participants
9.30am-10.30am : (Centre Pompidou, Petite salle) - Paper Session 4 : Geometrical, Topological and Computational Models I
Andrew J. Milne, Martin Carlé, William A. Sethares, Thomas Noll, Simon Holland - Scratching the Scale Labyrinth
Nicholas Stylianou - Exploding the Monochord : An Intuitive Spatial Representation of Microtonal Relational Structures
11.00am-12.00pm : (Centre Pompidou, Petite salle) - Paper Session 5 : Geometrical, Topological and Computational Models II
Louis Bigo, Jean-Louis Giavitto, Antoine Spicher - Building Topological Spaces for Musical Objects
Agustín Martorell, Emila Gómez - Two-Dimensional Visual Inspection of Pitch-Space, Many Time-Scales and Tonal Uncertainty Over Time
12.30pm -2.30 pm : (IRCAM, level -2) - Buffet sandwiches and first session of selected posters :
Franck Jedrzejewski - Plactic Classification of Modes
Maximos A. Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, Michael G. Epitropakis, Michael N. Vrahatis - Feature Extraction Using Pitch Class Profile Information Entropy
Thomas Hedges, Martin Rohrmeier - Exploring Rameau and Beyond : A Corpus Study of Root Progression Theories
Richard Parncutt, Fabio Kaiser, Craig Sapp - Historical Development of Tonal Syntax : Counting Pitch-Class Sets in 13th-16th Century Polyphonic Vocal Music
Jocelyn Ho - From 2D to 3D : Using Geometry and Group Theory to Model Motivic Structure in Musical Composition
Fani Kosona, Leontios Hadjileontiadis - Catastrophe Theory : An Enhanced Structural and Ontological Space in Music Composition
2.30pm -3.30pm : (IRCAM, Salle Stravinsky and Studio 5) - Around A Geometry of Music. An open discussion on the foundation of American and European math/music-theoretical traditions.
With the participation of Dmitri Tymoczko (Princeton University).
Session chairs: Emmanuel Amiot (mathematician, université de Perpignan, France) and Julian Hook (music theorist, Indiana University, USA).
4.00pm -5.30pm : (IRCAM, salles Shannon, Stravinsky and studio 5) - Parallel Workshops :
Nori Jacoby - Reinforcement Learning and Computational Methods in Music Cognition
Jack Douthett, Richard Plotkin, Richard Krantz, and Peter Steinbach - Maximal Even Sets
Gilles Baroin - From Circle to Hyperspheres: when the Tonnetze go 4D
6.30pm -7.30pm : (Centre Pompidou, Grande salle)
Alain Badiou (philosopher) : mathématiques / esthétiques / arts (Lit. Mathematics/Aesthetics/Arts). Simultaneous translation French/English. Free entry, limited seating available.
8.30pm (Centre Pompidou, Grande salle) - Concert, Ensemble Remix.
Works by Emmanuel Nunes (Einspielung 1; Wandlungen), Anton Webern (Concerto, op. 24; Symphonie, op. 21) and Bruno Maderna (Juilliard Serenade).
9:30 - 20:30