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Legal notices


The website "" and the Centre Pompidou’s digital ecosystem are published by the Centre national d'art et de culture Georges-Pompidou, a public national cultural establishment created by act no. 75-1 of 3 January 1975.



The website "" is hosted by the company OVH

(SAS with a capital of 10,069,020 €
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 2620Z
N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France)


Publication Director
Laurent Le Bon, President of the Centre national d’art et de culture Georges-Pompidou


Contact details
Centre national d’art et de culture Georges-Pompidou 
75191 Paris Cedex 04
Public information switchboard:

  • by phone: +33 01 44 78 12 33
  • by email


Department for digital technologies
Assistant director for digital technology, head of department for digital technologies: Paul Mourey
Administrator in charge of audio-visual content: Floriane Verdeil
Administrator in charge of programme dissemination: Harold Foucher
Administrator in charge of legal management: Rose-Marie Ozcelik
Administrator in charge of social networks: Tara Benveniste, Cécile de Lagausie, Lisa Le Bon
Administrative and financial management: Léa Touchaleaume
Digital graphic designer: Michel Fernandez
Digital marketing and data manager: Antoine Immarigeon

Administrator in charge of digital projects: Margaux Caron

Administrator in charge of web projects: Claire Galibert


Information Systems and Telecommunication Department
Philippe Benaïche, Bruno Gonthier, Christophe Andrès


Editorial team/Contributors
Audiovisual productions:
Yann Bréheret, Isabelle Danto
Editorial Department, Communication and Digital Department:
Nadia Drahmani, Pierre Malherbet, Séverine Pierron
Educational Division, Audiences Department:
Pierre Houdeline, Peggy Derder
Culture and Creation Department: 

Christine Bolron (Society forum), Géraldine Gomez (Cinemas), Linus Gratte, Delphine Le Gatt, Malena Suburu (Live Shows)
Production Department: 
Marine Feray