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Cultures d'avenir 2021-2022


Cultural institutions, universities and art schools tend to reinforce the status quo and to consolidate and reiterate knowledge. But the pressing issues that are important to younger generations now and that will ensure their survival in the future often don’t find enough their way into these structures. 
Effectively countering climate change or understanding and combating discrimination and racism – the tasks are complex. How can we think and act across disciplines? How can we incorporate fight against entangled forms of discrimination into our own work – and do so in a creative way that does not get bogged down in political trench warfare?


The heart of this program is to address four pressing contemporary challenges through the artistic practice of 25 students:

  • parity and gender,
  • discrimination,
  • the environmental emergency,
  • and knowledge sharing and inclusion.

How is it possible to bring together, think, share, and act?

With the support of a dozen universities and art schools, the Centre Pompidou, the CCCB, the HKW and the FGYO will generate an international creative network of 25 young art students from different disciplines, ranging from drama and dance to visual arts and architecture.

During five months, they will develop a series of online creative projects with the support of a wide group of international experts and mentors.

Apart from discussion in the digital space, they will also be meeting physically in Paris in November 2021 and in Barcelona in March 2022, and will be holding a virtual workshop in January 2022 in a newly created digital environment created by HKW.

The ultimate goal is for the students to further develop, modify or discard the ideas they bring with them, to gain new expertise, and to take their project experiences and results back to the universities. The various new networks – between the students themselves, between universities, between institutions, and any hybrids of these – should have a lasting effect to create a real European network.

Workshop at Centre Pompidou

1 - 5 November, 2021

Founding partners:

Partner Universities: 

•    Braunschweig University of Art (HBK)
•    University of Duisburg-Essen
•    HFBK Hamburg
•    Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Ludwigsburg
•    Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Design
•    Villa Arson
•    ICI CCN, Master Exerce
•    Université Paris 8, Master Théâtres, performances et sociétés
•    Association 1 000 visages

•    EINA – UAB. Màster universitari de Recerca en art i disseny d’EINA (MURAD)
•    ETSAB. MBArch (Màster Barcelona Architecture. The Contemporary Project
•    Institut del Teatre – UAB. Màster Universitari en Estudis Teatrals (MUET)
•    Universitat de Barcelona. Màster de Producció i Recerca Artística


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