Joël Pommerat
Le Petit Chaperon rouge
23 - 27 Feb 2022

The event is over
"Le Petit Chaperon rouge (Little Red Riding Hood, 2004) is the first of the fairy tales I rewrote before Pinocchio (2008) and Cendrillon (Cinderella, 2011). I made this show for one of my daughters while thinking of my mother. I wanted to speak about today to the children of today. To recount again, as simply and as concretely as possible, the story of this little girl who leaves her mother's house to go to her grandmother's and who encounters a wolf. The switch from one generation to the other, the desire and fear of growing up, the loneliness, the encounter, though the characters never confront these questions directly, I think that's what makes this story so bewitching for children and adults." Joël Pommerat, 2016
From 6 years old
Avec l’homme qui raconte : Ludovic Molière
La petite-fille, la grand-mère : Valérie Vinci
La mère, le loup : Isabelle Rivoal
Assistant à la mise en scène : Philippe Carbonneaux
Scénographie et costumes : Marguerite Bordat
Scénographie et lumière : Éric Soyer
Suivi de la réalisation scénographique : Thomas Ramon
Aide à la documentation : Évelyne Pommerat
Recherche son : Grégoire Leymarie, François Leymarie
Direction technique : Emmanuel Abate
Régie son : Yann Priest
Régie lumière : Jean-Pierre Michel
Production : Compagnie Louis Brouillard
Coproduction : Centre dramatique régional de Tours ; Théâtre Brétigny, Scène conventionnée du Val d'Orge, avec le soutien de la région Haute-Normandie
Création en juin 2004 au Théâtre Brétigny, Scène conventionnée du Val d'Orge La Compagnie Louis Brouillard est conventionnée et reçoit le soutien du ministère de la Culture / Drac Île-de-France et de la région Île-de-France.
Joël Pommerat fait partie de l’association d’artistes de Nanterre-Amandiers.
Tous les textes de Joël Pommerat sont publiés aux éditions Actes Sud-Papiers.
Joël Pommerat was born in 1963. He is an author and a director. He founded the Compagnie Louis Brouillard in 1990. Joël Pommerat is unique in that he directs only his own texts. For him, there is no hierarchy: the directing and the texts are elaborated at the same time in the course of rehearsals. For this reason, he describes himself as a "writer of shows". In 1995, he created Pôles, the first text he considers to be artistically complete. It was also the first to be published, in 2002. In 2004, the Théâtre National de Strasbourg hosted the creation of his play entitled Au monde (In the World), the company's first great public and critical success. With the trilogy Au monde (2004), D’une seule main (With One Hand, 2005), Les Marchands (The Merchants, 2006), Joël Pommerat rooted his plays more directly in contemporary reality and the interrogation of our representations. He approaches reality in its multiple material, concrete and imaginary aspects. In 2006, Au monde, Les Marchands and Le Petit Chaperon rouge were represented at the Avignon Festival, where Joël Pommerat also created Je tremble (1 et 2) (I'm Trembling, 1 and 2) in 2008. He continued to rewrite fairy tales with Pinocchio in 2008 and Cinderella in 2011. In 2010 he presented Cercles/Fictions (Circles/Fictions) in a circular presentation, which he again explored in Ma Chambre froide (My Cold Room) the following year. In 2013, he created La Réunification des deux Corées (The Reunification of the Two Koreas), in a bi-frontal space where the spectators are facing each other. In 2015, he created Ça ira (1) Fin de Louis (It'll be Fine (1) End of Louis), a true fiction inspired by the French Revolution of 1789. In opera, Joël Pommerat collaborated with Oscar Bianchi to adapt his play Grâce à mes yeux (Thanks to My Eyes, Festival d’Aix en Provence, 2011). Joël Pommerat seeks to create a visual theatre that is both intimate and spectacular. He works with great actor presence and audience disturbance. He has reviewed his approach in two works: Théâtres en présence (Theatres Present, 2007) and, with Joëlle Gayot, Joël Pommerat, troubles (2010).
7pm - 8pm
4pm - 5pm
Tout public à partir de 6 ans
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