Off-site event
The Centre Pompidou mobile
The color
16 Jun - 16 Sep 2012

The event is over
Third stage in Boulogne-sur-mer, with a series based on the theme of Colour. With fourteen masterpieces on display, this series invites visitors to discover how the artists of the early twentieth century up to the present day have explored the infinite possibilities of experimenting with colour. From the harmonious blues of Picasso to the vibrant reds of Matisse, colour unveils its power over the emotions and its energy. It was, for the artists of the 20th and 21st century, an infinite source of sensations and research. Today, colour has an influence on all art forms, from primary colours that take over the painting to light colours that fill open spaces, and colours in motion. It is this richness (a century of inventions!) that you will be able to discover here. Practical informations: Free admission Individual public Weekends and public holidays: open from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm Saturday and July 14th: Family visit (parents and children from 5 to 10 years) at 10.00am: without reservation, up to 30 people maximum Sunday and August 15th: Tour hosted by a comedian at 2.00pm: without reservation, up to 30 people maximum From June 19th to July 5th and September 4th to 16th, from Tuesday to Friday: opening at 4.30pm to 7.00pm. Wednesday: family visit (parents and children from 5 to 10 years) at 4.20pm: without reservation, up to 30 people maximum From July 6th to September 3rd, from Tuesday to Friday: opening at 12.30pm to 7.00pm Groups on reservation Suitable for public visits with disabilities will also be proposed Closed on Mondays Last admission half an hour before closing time Information: 03 21 32 38 92

9am - 7pm, every days except mondays
4:30pm - 2:30am, every wednesdays, thursdays, fridays