Debate / Meeting
a book by Jean-Yves Jouannais
25 Sep 2003
The event is over
"...To affirm that decisive art of the last century and idiocy are one and the same, that "modern" and "idiotic" are synonymous. To see that, given the principle of equivalence, modernism gains in innocence when idiocy insolently acquires the label of seriousness and passion. To decide that idiocy is not a tribe, a sub-species, the identifying and caricatural character of a dissidence or an excentricity, but is in reality a generic term which bonds modern facts together, whether they took place or not, that idiocy is not a preamble which shares the faculty of delving into subject matter -art- with an infinite number of other faculties (body, lyricism, color, scandal...) but is in fact matter itself. To add that, unflaggingly active, idiocy has held sway over a unique adventure of the spirit which, confronted with the legacy of Hellenic philosophy, has tried to invent a western wisdom."
From 7:30pm