Show / Concert
Final Holliger
Mani-Feste 2013
30 Jun 2013

The event is over

An evening in the musical pantheon of Heinz Holliger, leading a group of young musicians from the Lucerne Festival Academy Orchestra. The conductor and composer gives free rein to his taste for contemporary polyphonic pieces.

An evening in the musical pantheon of Heinz Holliger, leading a group of young musicians from the Lucerne Festival Academy Orchestra. The conductor and composer gives free rein to his taste for contemporary polyphonic pieces.
Heinz Holliger: nicht Ichts nicht Nichts, Puneigä, French premières
Vittorio Montalti: Tentative d'épuisement, première Cursus 2
Elliott Carter: Mosaic
György Ligeti: Kammerkonzert
Ensemble du Lucerne Festival Academy Orchestra
Digital sound design: Ircam/Vittorio Montalti
From 8pm