Revue Lagon
Le chemin de terre
29 May - 19 Aug 2024

The event is over

© Revue "Lagon", Jean-Philippe Bretin avec les œuvres de Zoé Taylor, Louka Butzbach, Acacio Ortas, Joe Kessler, Son Ni, Margot Ferrick
To celebrate its tenth anniversary and the publication of its new issue, the magazine Lagon is occupying the spaces on level -1 with the exhibition entitled "Lagon Magazine: The Dirt Track".

© Revue "Lagon", Jean-Philippe Bretin avec les œuvres de Zoé Taylor, Louka Butzbach, Acacio Ortas, Joe Kessler, Son Ni, Margot Ferrick
Since 2014 this unconventional magazine has defended comics with porous frontiers with other artistic practices (painting, sculpture, installation, video games, graphic design) and announced a forward-looking position by giving many emerging artists an opportunity to make themselves known to an international audience. Combining productions by established and little-known authors, each issue presents an inventory of the visual narration practices that are renewing the genre in a multiplicity of directions. Advocating a variety of approaches and points of view concerning what “making comics” means, Lagon relies on the creative friction between text and image to generate encounters conducive to meaning, poetry, emotion and aesthetic pleasure.
In its form the magazine combines industrial (offset printing) and artisanal (serigraphy, Riso) techniques on several types of paper. In the same way as the editorial team varies the format and name of the review (Lagon, Volcan, Gouffre, Dôme, Marécage, Torrent, Plaine, Pluie) with each issue, it regularly calls into question the ways of editing and reproducing comics.
On level -1, Lagon invites visitors to discover an exhibition presenting what the magazine world calls a “flatplan”, a layout of pages of an ideal, rich and diverse publication featuring different types of sources and print works. Accompanying the exhibition, artists and publishers come for a weekend to combine encounters, music and performance around the questions that run through the magazine. The public is thus invited to explore the approaches, mediums and lifestyles that weave the current landscape of comic books. These encounters constitute one of the high points of a live programme that combines, throughout the month of June 2024, all disciplines (from film to performance) and all formats (from master classes to participative workshops) like so many ways of encountering contemporary comics, the forms they take, the experiences they provide and their resonance with the major issues of today's society.
11am - 10pm, every days except tuesdays