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Andrés Jaque

Guest at Moviment


Andrés Jaque is an architect, researcher and curator.
His work explores architecture as the entanglement of bodies, technologies and environments.


He is the founder of the New York/Madrid based architectural agency Office for Political Innovation.

He is the Dean and Professor of Columbia University GSAPP.

He has been awarded with the Frederick Kiesler Prize for the Architecture and the Arts, the SILVER LION for Best Research Project at the 14th Venice Biennale, and the Dionisio Hernández Gil Award. His work is part of the collections of Museum of Modern Art, MoMA, and of the Art Institute of Chicago.


His books include Superpowers of Scale (Columbia Books, 2020), More Than-Human (with Lucia Pietroiusti and Marina Otero, Idea Books, 2021), Transmaterial (ARQ, 2017), among others.

In the program

Platform for New Assemblies

 Architecture, Philosophy  Meetings


The world today is changing in a way that is threatening traditional forms of coming together and prompting a search for new ways of living together. The climate emergency, crisis in democracy and digitalisation are all challenges that are opening us up to the need and desire to invent new forms of gathering.
The international and multidisciplinary programme Platform for New Assemblies brings together key figures from various disciplines – art, science, cookery and architecture – to discuss various configurations of the collective and examine the way in which we do, and will, live together. They will do so in a variety of forms: spoken word, concerts, performances, screenings, a "meta-siesta", listening session and exhibition of works.


This first edition of the programme, which will be developed over several years with the generous support and collaboration of the CHANEL Culture Fund, will lead us in our reflection from the privacy of the bedroom to the plural density of the city via the informal space of the home.


This first session, which was devised by a think tank comprising the Cave Bureau architecture firm (headed by Stella Mutegi and Kabage Karanja), the philosopher Emanuele Coccia and architect Andrés Jaque, welcomes many voices to the debate: the architectural historian Beatriz Colomina, starred chef Julien Dumas, sociologist Eva Illouz, architect Tatiana Bilbao and many others, all of whom share the conviction that assembly today is an emerging and crucial form.

Assembly 1: What intimacy is there today?

With Cave Bureau (Stella Mutegi et Kabage Karanja), Emanuele Coccia, Andrés Jaque and Aric Chen, director of Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam / moderated by Jean-Max Colard 


Assembly 2: What sort of architecture will we live in?

With Beatriz Colomina, architectural historian and director of Princeton University’s Media and Modernity programme; Lina Ghotmeh, French-Lebanese architect and creator of the 2023 pavilion at London’s Serpentine Gallery; and Philippe Rahm, architect and author of the recently published manifesto Style anthropocène (HEAD Geneva). 


Assembly 3: Cooking the world

With Julien Dumas, starred chef; Catherine Clarisse, architect, research professor and author of Cuisine, recettes d'architecture; and Emanuele Coccia / moderated by Jean-Max Colard


Assembly 4: How to make a world

With Prem Krishnamurthy, designer, author, educator and director of Wkshps; Joy Mboya, executive director of the GoDown Arts Centre in Nairobi; Tatiana Bilbao, architect; and Beatrice Galilee, co-founder and executive director of The World Around


Assembly 5: The assemblies of tomorrow

With Cave Bureau, Emanuele Coccia, Andrés Jaque and Aric Chen / moderated by Jean-Max Colard


Meetings – Thursday, 11 to Sunday, 14 May 2023

In French and English, with simultaneous interpreting

To be found in Moviment, chapter 2:

The bedroom, the house, the city

 Wed 10 – Sun 14 May 2023