Un Bauhaus du vivant
09 Jun 2022
The event is over
The "Berlin in debates" series of round tables is an opportunity to evoke the current situation of the German capital as it reflects on itself and its changing identity. Through the eyes of artists and the prism of projects promoted by Berlin cultural institutions, these group discussions seek to encourage exchanges concerning the current artistic scene in Berlin.
This encounter responds to the European Commission's call for a New Bauhaus. The aim is to establish a Bauhaus for today, a gigantic school virtualised in a network. Designers, artists, architects, urban planners, actors, dancers, authors, filmmakers, Youtubers, graphic designers, promoters of third places, are active participants who share an ideal: to shift the interest of the artistic world toward the living world, inviting young people from schools to express themselves and to implement transition governance.
The 1919 Bauhaus responded to the new needs of a society in transformation. The Weimer constitution called for a democratic space that had to be infused with a new language. The reconstruction of Germany called for an architecture, decorative objects, furniture and lifestyles. Wood, iron, earth, fabric and paper were the materials used to for the Bauhaus prototypes.
Today's art school students work with new materials upcycled from waste, fabrics, food, plastics and concrete. They code, programme and explore the metaverse… Without abandoning painting, ceramics, object design and video, while remaining true to manual work, inventing objects, furniture, consumption modes for environments predicted to be radically different from the known worlds. Their activity also marks their shift of interest from industrial projects toward designing transitions.
In coproduction with the Saint-Étienne City of Design
Avec :
Thierry Mandon, directeur de la Cité du design, Sophie Pène, co-commissaire du « Monde sinon rien » et Romain Lacroix, Centre Pompidou
Alexandra Midal, commissaire d’exposition, historienne du design
Lola Hen et Benoît Zenker, designers, École supérieure d'art et design de Saint-Étienne (Esadse), Chetan Kumar Velumurugan, chercheur et « maker » (Université de Paris Cité, LPI)
Noémie Sauve, artiste plasticienne et professeur à l’École supérieure d'art et design du Mans, Julie-Lou Dubreuilh, bergère urbaine, ferme Climamen à Villetaneuse, Benjamin Graindorge, designer, professeur à l’Esadse et co-commissaire du « Monde sinon rien »
Claire Brunet, philosophe (Énormale supérieure Paris-Saclay), Emmanuel Tibloux, directeur de l’École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs, et François Taddei, biologiste, généticien et chief exploration officer (LPI)
6:30pm - 8pm
Polype du corail en cristal de cosmos fluorescent, Noémie Sauve, 2018, Cristal fluorescent
© Katrin Backes, Œuvre réalisée dans le cadre de la résidence Tara Pacific / Fondation Tara Océan