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Cultural Olympiad

at the Centre Pompidou

The Centre Pompidou is in the starting blocks for the Olympics, hosting a series of artistic and fun events with the Paris 2024 "Cultural Olympiad" label from January to September 2024.

Cycloïd Piazza

by Raphaël Zarka
in collaboration with Jean-Benoît Vétillard

26 June – 15 September 2024

 Monumental installation 



To celebrate the year when skateboarding was first admitted to the Olympic Games, the Centre Pompidou has invited artist Raphaël Zarka (born in 1977 in Montpellier) to create a "skateable" sculpture for the Piazza. A monumental outdoor work, for sports and art lovers alike to skate on. 


More infos in the agenda


In partnership with Nike

"Dans les règles de l'art"

MuMo x Centre Pompidou

27 May – 5 October 2024
Île-de-France, Normandie, Hauts-de-France

 Travelling exhibition  


The Centre Pompidou’s mobile museum built with the backing of Art Explora is on the road again, visiting Île-de-France, Normandy and Hauts-de-France to showcase a new exhibition, "Dans les règles de l'art". 


Dates and venues

Previous events

Hors Pistes

19th edition: The Rules of the Game

18 January – 18 February 2024


 Exhibition I Screenings I Performances I Encounters 


Each year, the Hors Pistes festival explores a hot topic featuring an abundance of footage. Drawing inspiration from the two recent World Cups (women’s football and rugby), and prefiguring the Paris Olympics, the 19th edition of the festival examines sport and its rules, highlighting their influence on the visual representation of the sporting world. For one month, Level –1 of the Centre Pompidou will be turned into a stadium complete with grandstand, to observe contemporary concerns that affect and transform sport, as a reflection of our society: technological progress, globalisation, and social movements such as #MeToo.


Detailed programme in the agenda

When All is at Stake

9 September 2023 – 10 August 2024

One Saturday a month, from 2.00 to 3.30 pm

 Guided tour of the collection 


(Re-)discover the greatest collection of modern and contemporary art in Europe through the prism of sport. 
An interactive tour combining sports and art references and exploring the links between the two disciplines. 


Dates and booking

Hors compétition

au Studio 13/16

6 avril – 22 mai 2024

 Ateliers adolescents, jeunes adultes 


Qu’il soit collectif ou individuel, le jeu initie différentes façons d’être ensemble, de se reconnaître, de se mesurer aux autres et à soi-même. Si les jeux permettent d’établir des normes, offrent-ils également la liberté de s’en affranchir ? Le Studio 13/16 invite les jeunes à réécrire des règles – qu’elles soient sociales, sportives ou culturelles – qui permettent de se réaffirmer dans le collectif
Avec les artistes Marthe Drucbert, Éric Minh-Cuong Castaing, Chloé Wary, Chloé Ruchon. 


Plus d'infos dans l'agenda

Five museums for the games

A puzzle adventure

6 April – 2 June 2024

 Treasure hunt 

 Free, booking recommended


From April to June 2024, a game tour will be organised in five prestigious museums on either side of the river Seine: the Centre Pompidou, the Louvre, the Musée d'Orsay, the Musée de l'Orangerie and the Musée du Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac. In each of these emblematic venues, players are invited to explore the collections in search of clues hidden in the works in order to resolve an enigma and decipher a mystery message celebrating the values that the world of art shares with sport. A prize draw will give the winners prizes directly linked to the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games!

The survey is aimed at all families, for children aged 7 and over. Adults and teenagers are of course welcome to play too!
The survey can be played by 1 to 6 people. 


The game can be played independently at each of the 5 sites, using a game booklet.
Each survey lasts about 45 minutes.
The game can be played in French or English.


Online free booking


Find out more on website

"Viens avec nous !"

22 – 23 June 2024
2 pm – 6 pm

 Family weekend 



During this weekend, children and teenagers who have already come with their class during the school year are invited to help their parents, friends and relatives discover or rediscover the Centre Pompidou. 


Detailed programme

Relais de la flamme

Dimanche 14 juillet 2024
21h30 – 23h

Sur la Piazza




À la veille de l'ouverture des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques de Paris 2024, le Centre Pompidou devient le temps d'une soirée un des relais artistiques et festifs du trajet parisien de la flamme olympique. À cette occasion, sa Cycloïde Piazza – sculpture dédiée à la pratique du skate, conçue par Raphaël Zarka avec la collaboration de Jean-Benoît Vétillard, installée tout cet été sur le parvis du Centre Pompidou – se transfome en scène pour accueillir un interlude poétique entremêlant musique classique et danse hip-hop, interprété par le duo Moovcello (Yann Antonio et Julie Sevilla Fraysse). 


Plus d'infos dans l'agenda

These projecte have been awarded an "Olympiade Culturelle" label by Paris 2024.


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